Low Voltage DIN Bushing

Item No.:327



EN and DIN Transformer Bushing:
As a standard offering, we provide both historical DIN standard bushings and the latest EN range of bushings. These products cater to the needs of distribution and power transformer manufacturers. Our range encompasses ratings from 1kV up to 52kV, supporting currents of up to 12500A. With a diverse selection of creepage distances, we ensure compatibility with various environmental conditions.

All outdoor bushings adhere to the IEC60137 standard, with specific bushing details aligned with either historical DIN specifications (widely utilized in the transformer and distribution industry) or the latest EN specifications (EN50386 & EN50180).

For air end termination, you can opt for either the screwed conductor stem or the flag terminal, offering multiple hole arrangements. Alternatively, oil end termination can mirror the air end or feature a machined hole configuration tailored to your specific needs.

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